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Varicose veins of the legs: Quiz

    Please choose the CORRECT answer to each question and send the completed form. You will receive a reply email with the correct answers and comments.

    1. How many people in Greece is it estimated to have varicose veins in their legs? 30,000300,0003,000,000

    2. Varicose veins are rare in men. TrueFalse

    3. For a person to develop varicose veins: There must always be genetic predispositionA lifestyle or an occupation including a lot of standing for many years is requiredThe commonest cause is pregnancy

    4. Varicose veins are not just a cosmetic problem. TrueFalse

    5. After a carefully-planned and well-performed operation for varicose veins: The patient should be confined in bed for several daysMost patients remain satisfied and without symptoms for decadesVaricose veins and symptoms usually come back

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